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About ASH

Guideline Oversight Subcommittee

Committee Roster

Matthew聽Cheung,聽MD, MSc 聽('24)

Appointed Members
Gregory聽Abel,聽MD, MPH 聽('26)
Rachel 聽S.聽Bercovitz,聽MD, MS 聽('25)
Naresh聽Bumma,聽MD 聽('26)
Michael 聽T.聽Byrne,聽DO 聽('24)
Benjamin聽Djulbegovic,聽MD 聽('26)
James 聽N.聽George,聽MD 聽('26)
Sandra聽Haberichter,聽PhD 聽('24)
Ming Y 聽Y.聽Lim,聽MBBChir 聽('26)
Richard聽Lottenberg,聽MD 聽('26)
Ryan 聽J.聽Mattison,聽MD 聽('26)
Menaka聽Pai,聽MD, MSc, BSc, FRCPC 聽('25)
Suely 聽Meireles聽Rezende,聽MD, PhD 聽('26)
Matthew 聽D.聽Seftel,聽MD, FRCP, FRCPC, MPH 聽('24)
Deirdra聽Terrell,聽PhD 聽('24)

Ex Officio Members
Catherine 聽M.聽Bollard,聽MD 聽('26) 聽-聽Blood Advances Editor-in-Chief
Adam聽Cuker,聽MD 聽('25) 聽-聽Chair, Committee on Quality

Staff Liaison

Committee Mandate

The Guideline Oversight Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Committee on Quality, oversees the development of ASH clinical practice guidelines.


The chair (and vice chair, if appointed) of the Guideline Oversight Subcommittee serve a one-year renewable term. If not already a member of the Committee on Quality, the chair of the subcommittee serves as a liaison to the Committee on Quality for a term congruent to service on the subcommittee.


Members of the Guideline Oversight Subcommittee are appointed to three-year staggered terms. They include individuals with experience serving on guideline panels, clinical expertise in diverse hematologic diseases, and/or expertise or interest in guideline development methods.


The Guideline Oversight Subcommittee structure includes the chair of the Committee on Quality as well as the Blood Advances Editor-in-Chief as ex officio, non-voting members.


Members of the Guideline Oversight Subcommittee are required to participate in one-hour Zoom meetings held monthly and an in-person meeting held once per year at ASH Headquarters.


New ASH guideline panels include one member of the Guideline Oversight Subcommittee in an ex officio role, with responsibilities that include explaining and implementing ASH policies and procedures for guideline development. The ex officio panelist may be voting or non-voting depending on clinical expertise and interest. Participation may lead to recognition as an author of the guideline report and other publications, if usual criteria for authorship are met.
