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Reach Out to Congress

Federal Campaigns

Take Action to Prevent Cuts to Research and Public Health Programs
As currently drafted, the House Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) funding bill will erode the country’s investment in vital public health and biomedical research programs.

Take Action in Support of FY 2025 Funding for NIH
As Congress begins the FY 2025 budget process, it is important for your legislators to hear from you about the importance of biomedical research and funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Stop Medicare Physician Pay Cuts in 2024
Medicare physician reimbursement was cut by 3.34% on January 1 of this year; on Friday, March 8, Congress took action to mitigate this cut and increased the conversion factor by 1.68% prospectively. For the remainder of the year, reimbursement for physician services will be 1.69% below the 2023 level. However, Congress did nothing to prevent future cuts; we already know that the conversion factor will be cut again on January 1, 2025 when the funds used to increase the conversion factor expire.

Contact Your Legislators to Address Drug Shortages in Hematology and Oncology Care 
Drug shortages are reaching an all-time high in hematology and oncology care. ASH continues to keep members apprised of shortages and work with Congress, federal agencies, and other stakeholders to ensure continued access to safe and effective hematologic drugs. We encourage you to share information about any specific shortages you may be encountering in the letters. 

Urge Your Senators to Support the Cancer Drug Parity Act 
The Cancer Drug Parity Act (S. 2039/H.R. 6301) has been reintroduced in Congress to ensure that federally regulated health plans cover all anti-cancer regimens, including orally administered and self-injectable medications. You are encouraged to provide examples of how the cost of oral or self-administered chemotherapy drugs has impacted you or your patients in the letters. 

Urge Your Senators to Support the Improving Access to Transfusion Care for Hospice Patients Act 
The Improving Access to Transfusion Care for Hospice Patients Act (S. 2186) introduced in the U.S. Senate aims to enhance access to blood transfusions for end-of-life care patients under the Medicare hospice benefit by establishing a demonstration program for separate payment.

Cosponsor the Sickle Cell Disease Comprehensive Care Act 
Today, too many individuals living with SCD are not under the care of specialists or primary care physicians that understand the disease and have the tools to effectively treat those affected. The SCDCCA aims to ensure that individuals with SCD have better access to comprehensive, high quality outpatient care.

Contact Congress in Support of FY 2025 Funding for CDC Sickle Cell Disease Efforts
As Congress negotiates the FY 2025 budget, it is important for your legislators to hear from you about the importance of programs such as the CDC Sickle Cell Data Collection program.

Contact Your Elected Officials to Protect the Right to Maternal Health Care
The Supreme Court decision, trigger laws and legislation in nearly half the nation’s 50 states, and attacks to federal agencies’ authority threatens the doctor-patient relationship and may impede the ability of health care professionals, including hematologists, to provide medical care and counsel to their patients according to their training and ethical obligations.